Elegant and Dynamic Body Lines
Featuring a streamlined horizontal body profile that combines elegance,
agility, and a sense of stable grandeur.
Equipped with Sundiro Honda Smart Key, bringing convenience and dvanced technology to your ride.
Featured with intelligent ID recognition, allowing you to start the vehicle effortlessly,as well as smart locating,
smart alarm, and anti-theft capabilities for enhanced security and functionality.
Equipped with an anti-theft independent electronic control unit (ECU).
Once ID authentication is complete, the vehicle can be powered and started without inserting the key.
Turn the main switch knob to the "SEAT" position and press the saddle release button to open the saddle.
When you leave the vehicle more than 2 meters away, the LED indicator flashes once, and the main switch knob becomes
immovable, activating anti-theft mode.
Enjoy the convenience, safety, and intelligence of the Smart Key system.
With 731mm seat height, 123mm minimum ground clearance.
Designed for balanced proportions rather than extreme height.
Even petite riders can easily place their feet on the ground while riding.
The carefully adjusted ground clearance ensures better passability,
offering a more comfortable and enjoyable ride.